- 2022 Profesional Lose Weigh 5 Handle Cryo Cool Body Sculpt Cryolipolyse 360 Cryolipolysis Slimming Machine What is 360 cryolipolysis? 360-degree full range of cooling and heating, freezing at minus 10℃ to positive 45℃ heating, 4 groups cycle modes for operation,parameters can be set flexibly; 8 PCS өөр өөр хэмжээтэй крио бариул нь янз бүрийн хэмжээтэй, биеийн хэлбэр, биеийн хэлбэртэй байх тохиромжтой. Fast Treatment – Due to having dual handpiece and 360 degree cooling our treatment time varies from as little as 4...
Нүдний дэрийг зайлуулах rf remastound хөргөлтийн хөргөлтийг бууруулах өөх тосыг шингээдэг exili хэт авиан хэт авиан барималыг чангална
Тохируулах интерфейсийн танилцуулга хоёр (нүүрний эмчилгээний систем) -ийн гүнзгий, exerial evilen-ийн тусламжийн систем. freque... -
Hot Sculpting uses mono polar radio frequency (RF) deep heating as its core technology, using controlled mono polar radio frequency (RF) technology to provide targeted heating to large and small areas without damaging the skin.The fat and dermis are heated to 43-45°C through radio frequency devices of different shapes, which continuously generates heat and burns fat cells, making them inactive and apoptotic. Хэдэн долоо хоногийн дараа эмчилгээнээс хойш хэдэн сарын дараа апоптотик өөхний эсүүд бие махбодийн эдгэрэх болно. Gradually metabolically excreted, the remaining fat cells are rearranged and compressed, and the fat layer is gradually thinned, reducing the fat by an average of 24-27%. At the same time, the heat can stimulate the regeneration of collagen in the dermis, the elastic fibers naturally produce immediate contraction and tightening, and repair the connective tissue, so as to achieve the effect of dissolving fat and sculpting the body, tightening the cheeks and eliminating the double chin.